ATTENTION: BEFORE YOU READ THE ABSTRACT OR CHAPTER ONE OF THE PROJECT TOPIC BELOW, PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.THANK YOU!   INFORMATION: YOU CAN GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT OF THE TOPIC BELOW. THE FULL PROJECT COSTS N5,000 ONLY. THE FULL INFORMATION ON HOW TO PAY AND GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. OR YOU CAN CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420   WHATSAPP US ON  08137701720     EFFECT OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMNT AND CONTROL ON THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS   ABSTRACT This research work has been designed to investigate the problems affecting classroom management and control and identify the solution facing the problem. This is to enable the researcher suggest measure that would solve the problem affecting classroom management and control. Chapter one, deals with the background purpose and significance of the study, in chapter two, the researcher carries out the literature review by reading book and browsing work relating to the problem of various writers and researcher and their opinion appears to level support to my findings, chapter three deals with the various techniques adopting in getting fact of the study. The use of questionnaire and interviewing methods were adopted to get the information required. The population of the study is made up of one hundred and twenty students and twenty teachers. Data collected from questionnaire were converted into figures and percentages which were arranged in tabular form. These were then discussed in chapter four and some recommendations were made by the researcher.
TABLE OF CONTENT: CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study 1.2     Statement of the Research Problem 1.3     Objectives of the Study 1.4     Significance of the Study 1.5     Research Questions 1.6     Research Hypothesis 1.7     Conceptual and Operational Definition 1.8     Assumptions 1.9     Limitations of the Study   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1     Sources of Literature 2.2     The Review 2.3     Summary of Literature Review   CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1     Research Method 3.2     Research Design 3.3     Research Sample 3.4     Measuring Instrument 3.5     Data Collection 3.6     Data Analysis 3.7     Expected Result CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 4.1     Data Analysis 4.2     Results 4.3     Discussion CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1     Summary 5.2     Recommendations for Further Study Bibliography  
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF STUDY This classroom management and control deals with how things are done. Its structure, procedure and routines to the point of becoming rituals         When procedure are explained to and practiced by students it is periodically reinforced by practicing, classroom management and control. When procedures are learned, practiced and reinforced, instructions becomes efficient.         This is the foundation of any classroom management and is a prime responsibility of the teacher.         Classroom management discipline is the responsibility of the student discipline has to do with appropriate behavior.         To make classroom conducive for learning, the school is not to be focused on a view but rather being together contrasting opinion and attitudes so that the teacher can be given the way oe which it is to be based on his conclusion.         When teacher takes up the role of discipline students, they deprive young people of the opportunity of becoming more responsible. A far more responsible. A far more effective approach is for students to develop procedures to help redirect irresponsible impulse. In addition, the usual approach is for adult to impose some of the punishment when this occurs, students have no ownership in the decision to a victim hood mentality and have negative feeling towards the imposers.         There are some pointed out four rules of classroom management and these for rules can be applied in the classroom for effective teaching and learning they are: RULE ONE: Get them In: – the process of getting them can be seen to involve the phrases of the very beginning of the classroom situation. RULE TWO: Get on with it:  this refers to the main part of the lesson, the nature of content and the manner of its presentation RULE THREE: Get on with them: here the teacher develops good relationship with their pupils, by fostering mutual and trust and respects. To do this sensitively, the mood of the class as whole.         This obviously means knowing track of what is who/ whom on. RULE FOUR: Get them out: optimistically, the teacher here consider two phrases of concluding a lesson and dismissing the class.         Also this study will be of great help and immense benefit to the government and to the ministry of education whose primary objectives is to see students as the future teachers and leaders of tomorrow. It would also be a great significance to the ministry of education and teachers as well as their school authorities who deals directly with students on how to prevent classroom management problems among students in secondary school. On the other hand since continuous research is this field is not rules out, the findings of the study would like to use it as a base for future investigation.   STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Classroom and control and management contributes to the building of discipline in a school and a pupil are students who lack control allowed to misbehaves is there any significant different between students who come late to school and those who come to school early. Are there any significant differences between the controls of groups that work cooperatively. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY         This objective of this study is to provide solution to the problem affecting the classroom in secondary school.         The aim of this study helps to educate teachers on how the classroom needs to be conducive for students in order for teaching to be effective.         This obviously states that the classroom management cannot be over looked in teaching and learning situation. RESEARCH QUESTIONS  The research questions that will guide this study are as follows i.            What are the problem of classroom management and control? ii.           Does lack of proper classroom management and control effect the students academic performance? iii.         What are the causes of these problems have on the students? iv.         How can the problem of classroom management and control can be eliminated in some selected schools in Oredo local government area? PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The study of the effect of classroom management in the academic performance of secondary school students in the academic performance of secondary school students, a case study of  selected secondary school in Ovia north east local government area is aimed at achieving discipline among student in that locality         In line with this, the purpose of this research is to carryout a survey of management problems among secondary school s in ova north east local government area of Edo state.         This study will also seek possible way of preventing these management problems among student in secondary by exposing them to simple classroom management control and rules SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is hoped that the study will help to enrich the teaching of classroom management and control in schools.     The researcher is interested in the study of classroom management and control because whatever happens the classrooms have a direct behaving to the performance of the students.     There should be discipline among the students to ensure executive teaching and learning. Discipline is important, it involves all the students in the school time table and also includes the teacher’s education officer’s i.e. teacher’s education officer’s i.e. teachers, parents, communities, policy makers in one way or the other, and for example the following generalization can be made about the students attending school they are well glad, happy and well nourished.     Finally, findings from the study will aid teachers in the management and control of their classroom.


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