ATTENTION: BEFORE YOU READ THE ABSTRACT OR CHAPTER ONE OF THE PROJECT TOPIC BELOW, PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.THANK YOU!   INFORMATION: YOU CAN GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT OF THE TOPIC BELOW. THE FULL PROJECT COSTS N5,000 ONLY. THE FULL INFORMATION ON HOW TO PAY AND GET THE COMPLETE PROJECT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. OR YOU CAN CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420   WHATSAPP US ON  08137701720     IMPLEMENTATION OF UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION IN SOME SELECTED JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN SOKOTO     ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to study the implementation of universal basic education in some selected junior secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis. This study used teachers in the four selected secondary schools; structure questionnaires were used for collection of data. The collected data were organized using frequency tables, it includes personal contracts some Students and their teachers. All was to find their own opinion as regards to the implementation of UBE furthermore, the data collected was represented in tables and written statement was used to interpret them.          
TABLE OF CONTENT: CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study 1.2     Statement of the Research Problem 1.3     Objectives of the Study 1.4     Significance of the Study 1.5     Research Questions 1.6     Research Hypothesis 1.7     Conceptual and Operational Definition 1.8     Assumptions 1.9     Limitations of the Study   CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1     Sources of Literature 2.2     The Review 2.3     Summary of Literature Review   CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1     Research Method 3.2     Research Design 3.3     Research Sample 3.4     Measuring Instrument 3.5     Data Collection 3.6     Data Analysis 3.7     Expected Result CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 4.1     Data Analysis 4.2     Results 4.3     Discussion CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1     Summary 5.2     Recommendations for Further Study Bibliography
INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY           The Universal Basic Education (UBE) is a broad concept and more ambitious programme than that of the universal primary education (UPE), the universal basic education is intended to inculcate more forcefully on the life of Nigerians than the universal primary education. Although the universal basic education is a programme, it also an educational programme for the acquisition of functional literacy and skills, the type of education that will inculcate an understanding of the need for unity such that is required in Nigeria the development of conduct and attitudes that can foster unity, patriotism and tolerance, special emphasis should be place on peace and unity, that unities us in our diversity. It is necessary to be noted what it takes to make a nation strong and self reliant, above all to impact into the citizenry a sense of belonging so as to make them for effective respond to their responsibility. Ernwaca us called upon to encourage and commission mere research in all aspect of UBE and devise ways to diffuse the funding to as wide audience as possible in order to stimulate policy and public dialogue.           The Nigeria educational system is guided by clearly defined aims and objectives, which are intended to mould the society into the defined form through the instrumentation of educational outcome from time to time and facilities a clear understanding of the successes status of our educational programme. Education is an instrument of social, mental and economic development, through which right values and attitude for proper development are inculcated. Educational innovation consequently evolves whenever there are deficiencies in or problem with the accomplishment of objectives. Among such innovation are the introduction of universal primary education (UPE), the 6-3-3-4 system of education, introducing technology, integrated science and so on and recently the universal basic education (UBE) was launched by president Olusegun Obasanjo in Sokoto on the 30 September 1999. The objectives of the programme include. i.            Facilitation of growth and development ii.           Enhancement of quality education for all citizens. iii.         Addressing the implementation of educational policies designed to achieve the notable objectives in the national policy on education. During the launching ceremony of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) the honorable minister of education in his speech stated that universal education in his speech stated that universal basic education is Nigeria response to the education for all nations of the global community. More so, the programme was envisaged to be a solid foundation for life along learning and evolution of Nigeria into a learning society in order to improve the average literacy rate of Nigerians from the current 51% to something close to 90%.           The primary and pre-primary level is very important because it is here the foundation should be consolidated at the junior secondary level of the programme. Despite the national policy on education (NPE) 1977m revised 1981, which has provided that the mother tongue be used as a medium of restriction to English in the upper primary classes most school around the country use English right from nursery and junior secondary schools. Similarly, the policy provisions for these languages to be taught as school subject are not being implemented in most schools around the country. In nomadic and adult education, the intention is to give opportunity to those who by virtue of the culture and social economic background, were they are unable to benefit from the femoral education early in life are to be treated specially along with the deft and dumb disable and blind. The treatment revolved adequate materials for learning. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM           This study intends to find out if: 1.          Lack of qualified teachers a problem facing the implementation  of universal basic education (UBE) 2.          If finance is a constraint to the implementation of universal basic education. 3.          Whether equipment/materials is a problem affecting the implementation of universal basic education. 4.          If the attitudes of students are problem affecting the implementation. 5.          If the attitude of parents towards the implementation of universal basic education (UBE) 6.          Beliefs are problem facing the implementation of universal basic education (UBE). PURPOSE OF THE STUDY               In connection with the statement of problem earlier state, the purpose of the study or investigating is to find out more about the problem facing or militating against the programme in Uhunmwonde Local Government Area. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                 Teachers’ role in the universal basic education (U.B.E) has play vital and essential role to the societal progress. It is therefore factual that people need to acquire those proficiencies that are completely necessary for the development of the nation. It is important to know that the quality of education we have and ensue proper delivering if there is more qualified teachers. RESEARCH QUESTIONS           The research question carryout is as follow 1.          Researchers looked at duller system within the classroom and suggested how to achieve more qualitative teacher, including individualized in structure used of child stimulation methods and participatory learner 2.          Many students addressed non-formal education. Suggesting that the curriculum of non-formal education ought to be enriched invade it more functional and relevant. 3.          Some studies noted the implementation of the non-formal section of UBE as it suffers constraints snob as fractural inadequacies and lack of adequately tramped teachers. 4.          The studies also noted global consensus and commitment to provide basic education for all universal basic education (UBE) programme in the implementation guidelines of the role of Nigeria primary school libraries in literacy and lifelong. 5.          A case is made for a better understanding of the armoire system so as ton be able to offer then education as envisaged by use the alinajiri who are usually erroneously seen as children begging for arms. 6.          A case of the enforcement of the universal basic education (UBE) law, stressing regretted the fact that basic education has not been well enforced education to the detriment of basic education which is the foundation for the child. 7.          A case of child abuse was also looked at, so as to find a solution to their problems to enable then to benefit from the UBE programme researches similarly call for greater effort towards implementing of UBE. 8.          Provision for extending education to street children out of school. Many studies also emphasizes that practical the learning the need to look, so as to carry out quality learning for the life of the child. ASSUMPTION OF THE STUDY           In carrying out this research, the resea5rcher made the assumption that the information given by the respondents are related to a large extent, the true situation in the schools in Uhunmwonde Local Government Area of Edo State. The sample used for the study is representative of the student’s population in the local government area.


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