There are lot of business opportunity in agriculture which included : commodities sourcing , commodities facilitator , sales representative, local purchasing agent,exporting of agro produce, local trading , agro trading consultancy etc.
Everyone interested in agro trading or making money from agriculture most get the insight information on any of the agro trading line he or she choose in order to minimal the risk involve.

Melon as popular know as egusi is a self marketable agro produce that need non advertising or marketing, egusi storage business is a kind of business that you don’t need to look for buyers but buyers look for you.All you need to is to purchase , store and wait for the price to rise and you resell and make your profit simple, but you most know its a storage business, meaning you don’t make an instantly profit but you most have to wait for some weeks after purchase and storage before you can start making profit. In any business there is risk and if you are not a risk taker then storage business or any others business is not for you, but if you ask me then i will tell you that egusi (melon) business is 2% risk .No how No how you will make profit the highest lost you can do is to recover your invested amount.

What type of Egusi (melon) are we taking here ? smile we are talking about shelled egusi here, unshell egusi cant be store for long so we are talking about shelled egusi and a well dried egusi can be store for 12 months but low dried egusi can only be store 2-3 month maximum any storage longer than that will resuilt in spoil and will really affect the price and that can make you no profit, so be care full and learn alot before you get started.

How to start Egusi Melon Storage business.

First is to know your targeted market where you can purchase egusi melon then storage It,

second: is to get a trust worthy purchase agent(Note the egusi purchase can be done ether by purchasing in bags or by means of measure by mudu and i recommended buying in mudu)

thirdly: make a good decision on where to store it.

in Nasarawa state we have about 3-4 major village market that you can purchase and also storage it in the market if you want or you can transport it to your location and have it store over there but you most know that there are public stores where anyone can store he or her egusi and pay a fixed price per bag and last year we paid #200-#400 per bag/year ,this price depend on which store you stored your egusi.Stores in lafia city charges #500 per bag for year .

Note: you most develop a trusted mind to work with people as you cant purchase the egusi in the market yourself but you most go through purchase agent that are available in the market.they are the one to make the purchase for you and also load and shake the egusi into the package bag and you pay them per bag .Some charge #1000-1500 per bag as commission.the fee they charge you cover some minor expensive within the market and that include purchase of the storage bags, sowing of the bags, fee of the bag measurement etc, but you will be in the market so that after the purchase you handle the payment yourself.
Though many of them are trusted individual that some long time egusi buyers trusted them and even sent them million of naira for them to help them purchase the egusi and then transport it to their location but you as a new starter i did not recommend you to do that until you develop trust with the local purchase agent.

(for moringa seed supply in bulk and in small quantity call 07037781319)

In the market, you will see different type of egusi melon and different prices .The well dried egusi price are normally higher than the low dried egusi .So you most be very careful in this point, your purchase agent should be able to detect to you egusi that are well dried from the ones that are low dried. If you pay your purchase agent well then he will give you the best service but if you are too greedy and think you can play smart then i most say you will later cry as no matter what smartness you try to play , they agent are going to be ahead of you in the market.the speak many languges and the farmers trusted them a lot, my advice is play along with them.

Egusi melon market Located in Lafia Nasarawa state.

(1) .Ashangba Market (market day is every tuesday)
(2). Agyeragu market (market day every friday)
(3). kasuwa alamis market( market day every thursday)
(4). B.A.D market. (market day every tuesday)

The above market are the list of the market you can get egusi melon in commercial value , The season start by August every year and lasted for just 2 months then it enter off peak period. During the season ,more than 10 trucks load and transport egusi to Eastern part of Nigeria every market day.

STORAGE OF YOUR EGUSI..Here i due advice that the egusi should be store within lafia if possible in the market store.with that it will be easy to resell as most of the buyers come from another state and most of the buyers dont really accept to follow you the seller to another location outside the market to make a purchase.As they prefer to make any transaction within the market in order to avoid scam or rob, also it save them another expenses of transport fare from the location of your store .So i advice you to store your egusi within the market or alternative , you may store outside the market but transport it back to the market a day before the market day but remember that will cost you more expenses and this include transportation expense and even agric task force fee along the road.


A* Agent monitor the price movement in the market and report to you,
B* Agent help you to resell your egusi once the price rise and if you approve the resell and send your money to you.
C* agent advice you on what next to invest when egusi season is off.
D* Agent monitor the market and report to you any situation both good and bad and also advice you on what steps to take but you most carefull select your agent as any place you see a good product there might likely be bad product.


Last year at the beginning of the egusi season with start buying at #18,000-#21,000 per size 21 bag .after 2 months many people sold at #31,000-#35,000 . after 4-6 months egusin go for #45,000-#55,000 today be it 25-04-2015 egusi melon bag size 21 go for #65,000.
Remember , you don’t need to look for buyers, you can buy and store now and after few hours and you decide to resell it believe me you will see buyers but not with profit…you never lost unless if you are greedy and decided to buy and store low dried egusi for long time.

( for tricks and advice on how to buy low dried egusi melon at very cheap price and make higher profit contact me on 07037781319 but not for free but with flat rate pocket friendly fee)

With the above you may decide if egusi melon storage business is for you or not. also all the market listed above are all located in Nasarawa state and all are in lafia local government of nasarawa state.when you visit lafia , then get an okada and tell them you want to visit any of the market.They will gladly take you to each of the market park where you get a car or bus to the market.all the market are well know market and very popular.


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By admin

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